Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Preparation of doing business online

Hello you all,
How is she today? Hopefully, okay, yes:)
This is an article about the preparation of business you should read if you do business online
1.Preparation Primer
What is meant by primary preparations here are the things that you must master / have for the internet business activity can proceed smoothly without any obstacles. Included here are:• understand how to use computers and the internet• have an email account and understand how to use it• have a Paypal account and / or active credit card• have a bank account or bank Mandiri, BCA or other supportingFor the first point I feel no need to explain further. As for the second pound, I suggest to create an account in
) Because Google provides many services related to Internet business is to use it we must have a GMail account. In order not to work twice, create GMail account from now.
Well, for the third point, in brief Paypal is one of the 'currency' which is commonly used for transactions in the Internet world. That is, hidayat not only need Paypal to buy a product, but also to receive money from the internet business. That is why have a Paypal account is not to be missed:)
To get a Paypal account is easy. hidayat live register at their site
) And then verify the account (WAJIB!). To perform verification, credit card required. Certainly valid. Alternatively, hidayat can use Virtual Credit Card (VCC, Virtual Credit Card) instead of a physical credit card. VCC can hidayat get from various places. Forum Kaskus.Us example. Or if you want to use a reliable service and I highly recommend, you can use VCC Indonesia
.) Although more expensive, but the support is well above the average of other VCC provider.
Back to preparation, to point to-4, here I suggest to have a bank account at BCA or Mandiri because in general the local money-service providers give the option payout through both banks. So, yes, you should have from now 

2.Secondary Preparation
What is meant by secondary preparations here are the things that are not required to hidayat do / have to move in the Internet business world, but IF have it, then do hidayat activity can become more fluent. Included here are:• have a personal computer and internet access• able to create posts / articles• able to speak English passive• master basic web programming (HTML)For the first point, which is referred to here is hidayat have a computer with internet access can hidayat use at any time. It never hurts to do business via the internet cafe or using the office computer, but with a personal computer, the time hidayat to exist in the Internet business world becomes more flexible.
Writing activity is one activity that is often done in the Internet business. Therefore, points to-2 is a VERY worthwhile investment if hidayat able to fulfill it.
And related to the points of the 2nd, because the limited reach of the Internet business is not only in Indonesia but also in foreign countries, mastering the English language at least passive is also something that should hidayat prepare from now (point 3).
To point to-4, is fairly optional. I will not explain further here for hidayat not confused with the new terms associated with it. But later, in email, next email, I am sure will understand their own importance hidayat mastery of the basics of HTML it:)
Well, for the preparations of this is secondary, you can do it as you go along. That is, do not need too memusingkannya now. After entering the Internet business practices usually also be directly dealing with them. At that time, promise to little by little trying to master it. Ok,?!
At the next meeting, we will immediately practice. Therefore, you task this time is to ensure that all preparations had hidayat primers do. For points to 1 and 2 it was not difficult. if you've managed to register with the training of "Internet Business Beginners' this:) Only if you still do not have a GMail account, now is the time. As for the accountPaypal and bank account, a maximum of two days can be obtained. So, to be more certain, the next email I will send 3 more days, yes:)

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