Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

How Creative Thinking and Dreaming By

Summary, Use These tools and Think By Creative

1. Believe that something can bedone. If you believe something can bedone, mind You'll be looking for ways to do it. Believe will pave the waytowards a solute  solutions. 

2. Eliminate the word "impossible," "will not succeed," "can not bedone," "there's  no point in trying to" mind and vocabulary of your speech.

1.Important.................................. Please note to us all Do not tradit paralyze mind. Be accept new ideas.Experiment. Try new  approaches. Be progressive in all that you do.

2.Ask yourself every day, "How can I work better?" There is nolimit to self-improvement. When you ask yourself, "How can I betterwork with the right answer will emerge. Try it and see the results.

3. Ask yourself, "How can I work more?" Capacity is a state ofmind. Asking this question to yourself to make your mind work to find a clever shortcut. The combination is successful in business:Do what you do with a better (improve the quality of your output),and: Do more of what you do (to increase the quantity of youroutput.)

Practice asking and listening. Ask questions and listen then youtoo will get the raw materials to reach the right decision.Remember: The big people monopolize the listening activities;small people monopolize the speaking activity.

3.   Expand your mind. Get stimulation. Associating with peoplewho can help you think about new ideas, new ways of doing things.Mingle with people of interest in work and social groups. 


book: thinking and high-minded (the magic of thinking big) 

author: David J Schwartz


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